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ROE version .02

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ROE version .02 Empty ROE version .02

Post  Admin Thu Feb 23, 2012 6:17 pm

GSI Moddus Operandi

Comm Traffic
The PL will develop his plan of attack if any is required, and pass it down to his SL’s, who will then command their squads in as best a way to accomplish the mission as possible.
Mission objectives come first before bullshitting. When the PL orders the channel be cleared, that means shut the hell up.
Squad members may choose not to use Team Voip in an effort to keep the airwaves clear of uneeded clutter. This highly encouraged.

Command Structure.
Platoon Leader
Squad Leader
Squad member

Rules of Engagement
Targets are to be called with the 3 D’s. Direction, Description, Distance. Be as detailed as possible to eliminate saying “there’s a guy right there”. It just creates disruption in comm’s and doesn’t contribute tactically. use the Spot function as well since the game does most of this for you.

*optional, when taking fire and in the open, go prone. It creates a smaller target profile of your body to shoot at.

Remember the mission first, vendetta’s last. Don’t chase after someone for a kill and leave your squad flapping.
Move in buddy teams. No one fights alone. Not anymore. Unless you are in a vehicle, you will move with a buddy. This can selected before the fight or pre determined. Whichever works. But always have a partner to help you out.

Squad setup, ensure your squad has a man in each of the roles. It makes you self sustaining and more mission capable if you can round out your squad rather than having a team full of engineers or rifleman.

When anti-vehicle warfare becomes the priority for mission success, the top priority is to disable and destroy it asap. Both squads will use smoke to provide visual obscurment while engineers engage the vehicle using both missiles and emplaced munitions. Marksman will use the Soflam and Mav to provide situational awareness for the platoon. If friendly vehicles can be brought to bear they will be as well as ground support. If Air Assets are available they will also be utilized.

Platoon Set up
Headquarters Squad will consist of the PL, and 3 squadmates.
1rst Squad will consist of 1rst squad leader and 3 squadmates.
So on and so forth.
Each squad can choose to have a specialization or go with a general focus. Spec’s can be implemented on the fly per the needs of the PL and the METC.

Ground, Engineers are equipped with either the SMAW, RPG, or Javelin for use when engaging ground targets. Marksman will primarily field the MAV for spotting enemy and scouting movement routes. Support will use Mortors or claymores depending on the needs of the squad.
Air, Engineers will field Anti-Air missiles, Marksman will use the Soflam to supplement counter vehicle combat.

Don't get caught moving through the open. 90% of combat kills results because someone was just runnind down the middle of the street. We call open spaces kill zones or dead zones. Don't be spotted there as it generally ends badly. Use cover, short cautious movements. The less time you spend sprinting the more time you can spend ready on the trigger. Stay Alert, Stay Alive. Don't be affraid to use the prone to move through an area. The eye is naturally drawn to horizontal movement. Especially rapid movement. So if you are low crawling through some brush and there's an egg head sprinting behind you, that ones more likely to get bagged if you've got good cover and concealment.

Cover and Concealment.
I can't stress and emphasize this enough. What constitutes as each? Cover is a hard surface capable of stopping rounds. Rocks, trees walls even vehicles. Concealment is anything that obscures vision. Smoke, foiliage, netting and so on. Know which you are using as you move and this will go a long way towards survival.

None of these games are timed. The only timer we go by is the spawn tickets. So there is no need to rush right back into another death and only make the situation worse. Stop, Assess what is going on and regroup if things aren't going in our favor. The easier way to give up momentum is to just keep spawning into enemy fire. The fastest way to take it back from them is to regroup and move in force to neutralize their forces.

Posts : 7
Join date : 2012-02-23

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